Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Belgorod National Research University"


Full title of the journal: Tractus aevorum: the evolution of socio-cultural and political spaces

The History and Philology Department of Belgorod National Research University (Russia) is pleased to announce the launch of a new academic project – an international interdisciplinary journal that will provide a dynamic forum for fruitful discussions among foreign and domestic historians, and scholars of neighbouring disciplines.

The journal “TRACTUS AEVORUM” (Latin for “the path of centuries”) focuses its attention on the twin concepts of space and transition throughout history, with particular emphasis on borders and borderlands. Since 2022, the journal's policy has been focused on the priority involvement of young scientists whose research is relevant to the stated broad themes.

The enigmatic prosess of transformation from one epoch into another, or what Arthur Koestler called “darkness at noon,” makes its study of particular value to scholars. The complex dynamics of continuity and discontinuity are inherent in any transitional epoch, including our own, where they are critical to understanding contemporary system of international relations.

This approach emphasizes interdisciplinary research. In particular, the anthropological turn in historical scholarship offers a valuable means to study transitions, and a viable methodology for the examination of socialization across borders (e.g. during urbanization and modernization). The study of historically marginal and/or liminal social groups is similarly of special interest.

Transitivity is closely related to the study of borderlands, in part because of the transformation of state borders that often accompanies these times. Expanded states produce borderland territories with their own history and sense of freedom and justice. They also give rise to dynamic interactions between center and periphery over the issues of ethnicity, assimilation, and identity. In the last decades, historians and political scientists have added much to the study of borderlands, including their role in international conflict and cooperation, an issue of particular importance to the development of a post-Soviet space.

The journal has the following broad themes: 1) transitional epochs; 2) borderlands; 3) empire and periphery; 4) challenges of international transformations; 5) IN LIMIT / SINE LIMITIBUS; 6) intellectual history. This focus notwithstanding, the editorial staff welcomes other thematic approaches that further our understanding of various spaces.

To encourage international and domestic dialogue among scholars, we invite original submissions in Russian and English. Submissions in German or French are also possible. The journal publishes two issues a year.


Journal publication frequency

Tome number

Issue number

Publication date

Tome 12

№ 1

March 30

№ 2

June 30

№ 3

September 30

№ 4

December 30


Established by

Belgorod State National Research University (BelSU).

Address: Russia, 308015, Belgorod, Pobedy st. 85


Belgorod State National Research University.

Address: Russia, 308015, Belgorod, Pobedy st. 85

Editor-in-chief: Shapovalov Vladimir Anatolyevich

The Journal is an online edition.
The online edition is registered as a mass media by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor). Mass Media Registration Certificate: ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 55791 from October 28, 2013
Mass Media Registration Certificate
The International Standard Journal Serial Number – ISSN 2312-3044.

Open Access Policy

The immediate open-access to the journal content is provided on the principle that this publishing mode contributes to the greater global exchange of knowledge.

Digital Archiving and Article Identification Policy

Full texts of previous issues of the Tractus Aevorum journal are stored on the journal server and can be accessed in the section Archive on the journal website. Besides, the Tractus Aevorum journal materials are archived in Russian Electronic Scientific Library eLIBRARY.ru, Electronic Scientific Library CYBERLENINKA.RU and on the scholarly journals` platform Index Copernicus (Poland). Also, some of these platforms provide information on article downloads, citations and other data.

All materials of the journal are assigned DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers). The original material and its translation have one DOI.


The journal is available in the following electronic library systems and databases:


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