Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Belgorod National Research University"


The Editorial Board of the Journal proposes to expand the traditional theme of the Journal in 2024 and offer the authors several cross-cutting topics.

In our country the year 2024 has been declared by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin as the Year of the Family. The theme "Family and Family Values in Historical Retrospect" will be our common contribution to the scientific understanding of this most important social institution.

In any country in the activity of the state machine there is such a negative trait as bureaucratism, manifested in different degrees and in different variations concerning both the "little man" and large dignitaries who manage the bureaucratic apparatus. Therefore, we propose to consider such topic as "Bureaucratic millstones in the life of a historical personality".

One of the aspects of the history anthropological dimension is social elevators, life scenarios and changes in the status characteristics of people, especially in the conditions of transitional epochs, wars and other social cataclysms. Various specific or typical cases of ups and downs, as well as the circumstances that caused them, can be analyzed in the theme: "From handmaiden to the rich and vice versa: social metamorphoses".

The eternal "city - village" opposition manifested in various spheres of life (economic, cultural, mental) reaches the generalized philosophical meaning of "liberal - conservative" and "innovative - traditional". We also look for articles for the fourth theme: "Urban in the Village, Rural in the City". We hope that within this theme the authors will look at the problematics of this opposition from different angles.

Articles on everyday life, anthropological dimension, gender aspects, historical memory on the proposed theme for 2024 are welcome. We hope that the authors will look at these topics through the prism of personal origin sources, folklore texts, artistic works, and visual sources.

We are also waiting for articles from our authors under our traditional headings: transitional epochs, borderlands, empire and periphery, challenges of international transformations, IN LIMIT / SINE LIMITIBUS, intellectual history.

We are waiting for articles for the next spring issue until March 1 inclusive.


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