Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Belgorod National Research University"

CfP Peoples and Borders: Movement of Persons in Europe, to Europe, from Europe

(Padua, 6 – 8 November 2014; deadline 01.06.2014)

CfP Peoples and Borders: Movement of Persons in Europe, to Europe, from Europe

Place and dates: Padua 06.11.2014 – 08.11.2014.

Deadline: 01.06.2014.

Movement of persons has been a key feature in the whole history of European integration, and the time has come for historians, along with political scientists, jurists, economists, sociologists and demographers, to discuss and draw some conclusions on its evolving conceptions and practical applications, placing both of them in the wider context of the social and demographic transformation of Europe and the political and economic narrative of continental integration.

The aim of the conference, which will take place at the University of Padua on 6-8 November 2014, is to integrate the existing fragmented analyses, place them in a longer perspective and extend the analysis further by: 
- examining the role played by the movement of workers and, afterwards, persons in the process of continental integration; 
- examining the impact made by migration flows to Europe on the European integration process, and the European consciousness; 
- investigating the role played by EC/EU policies in internal and international flows of migrants and asylum seekers; 
- investigating the impact made by EC/EU immigration policies, especially the Schengen regime, on the external relations of both the EC/EU and its member states; 
- integrating internal and international movement of persons within, to and from Eastern European countries during the pre-1989 period into the history of European migrations.

The conference will be organised in three days and four sessions, which will be respectively devoted to: 
- Theme 1. Migration flows and policies in Western Europe from the Second World War to the Rome Treaties. 
- Theme 2. Movement of European workers and immigration of non-European nationals from the economic miracles to the crisis in the 1970s. 
- Theme 3. Shift from free movement of workers to free movement of persons and parallel building and strengthening of the common external borders. 
- Theme 4. Current EU migration and asylum policies and their impact on both domestic policies and external relations of the EU.

The conference is jointly organised by the European Union Liaison Committee of Historians/Groupe de Liaison des Professeurs d'Histoire Contemporaine Auprès de la Commission des Communautés Européennes and the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies of the University of Padua, with the contribution of the FIRB (Italian Basic Research Investment Fund) 2010 "The Engine of Growth".

Deadline for proposals submission: JUNE 1, 2014

Proposals must include: Name (and Surname) of Applicant 
Position; Affiliation; Contact: Postal Address, Phone Number, E-Mail Address; Title of Paper; Abstract of Paper (no more than 500 words)

Proposals can be submitted in English or French. 
Working languages of the conference are English and French.

Proposals must be sent in a single email message in word and/or PDF format to: 
Prof. Antonio Varsori (antonio.varsori @unipd.it) 
Prof. Elena Calandri (elena.calandri @unipd.it) 
Dr. Simone Paoli (simone.paoli @unipd.it)

Selected applicants will be informed by June 15, 2014. Written papers must be sent by November 1, 2014.

Accommodation and travel expenses will be covered by the organisers of the conference.

Selected papers will be published in an edited volume.


Simone Paoli 
Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies 
University of Padua 
Via del Santo, 28 
35123 Padua (ITALY) 
tel. +39 0498274005 
fax +39 0498274007 
dipartimento.spgi@unipd.itThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  
Email: simone.paoli@unipd.itThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Source: http://geschichte-transnational.clio-online.net/termine/id=24961


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